This Sunday we will have Age-Based Religious Education Classes this Sunday, March 23rd. Children will be invited to start in worship and depart together after the story downstairs to class. The full slate of Age-Based RE classes is offered during the 11:00am service. An All Ages Children's Chapel RE Lesson is offered during the 9:00am service.
ALSO this Sunday, we will have the playground open between the services from 10:00am - 11:00am. Feel free to come hang out with other children and families in what will hopefully be Spring warmth.
9:00am Children's Chapel: This week for All Ages Lesson during the 9:00am service, we will be reading a story and building some lego games.
11:00am Classes:
Nursery care and free play will always be available for children 0 - 3 years old during both services.
UU Koalas (Preschool-Kindergarten Class): Preschoolers and kindergarteners are doing a UU Curriculum called Chalice Children. Each week features a storybook, reflection time, and open play. This week's story is about Ramadan and Eid.
The Cosmos (Elementary School Class, Grades 1 - 3): This class will be doing a UU values curriculum centered around the stories from Superheroes this year. This week they will read and learn about Superman and talk about role models and who we look up to.
The Hierarchy of King Bob (Upper Elementary School Class, Grades 4 - 6): This year, this class will be doing our Building Bridges program in which they learn about the religious and spiritual traditions of our neighbors and have a chance to reflect on their own values. This week's lesson is about Buddhism.
Junior High Youth Group (Grades 7 - 8): This group is invited this week to be junior helpers in the younger kids RE classes, in particular the Building Bridges Class.
Here is the schedule of upcoming RE Sundays:
March 23rd -- Class Day!
March 30th -- Multigenerational Worship for Major Music Sunday
April 6th -- Class Day!
April 13th -- Class Day!
April 20th -- Multigenerational Worship, Easter! (Egg Hunt after church!)
April 27th -- Multigenerational Worship, Children's Choir Performances
May 4th -- (Beginning of one service worship at 10am) Children's Chapel Program
Three Special Multigenerational Events Coming Up:
We invite you to mark your calendars for a special event on Tuesday, April 1st from 4:30 - 5:30pm in the Parish Hall in collaboration with our neighbors at the Henry Frost School. Together we will welcome children's book author Rachel Katz who will share about and sign copies of her children's book "Rise Up! Powerful Protests in American History." And we will have a family art build for protest signs! Find more information here.
On Saturday, April 5th from 6:30 - 8:00pm we will have an Evening of Contra, Square, and Circle Dances for families! This should be a fun and exciting evening of music and dancing for all of us together. Find more information here!
And the next Welcome Table Family Dinner will be happening on Monday, April 7th 5:30 - 7:30pm in the Upper Gathering Hall. Looking forward to seeing you then! All are invited to come enjoy spaghetti together. More information here.