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Support The Welcome Table!

Our Welcome Table gathering is a monthly drop-in spaghetti dinner for families. Come enjoy an evening of food and connection while taking a break from your busy days to hang out with your community.

Our next Welcome Table Dinner is on Monday, April 7, 2025. We have volunteers lined up to prepare spaghetti and dessert, and we are looking for a few more volunteers to support the evening with setting and cleaning up.

Please email Kyle Belmont at if you are available and willing to support this fantastic event. Set up is from 4:30-5:30 pm and involves putting up the tables and chairs. Clean-up involves being around from 5:30-7:30 pm (or chunks within that time) to help out with dishwashing during the dinner. We are also looking for volunteers to take the tablecloths home for washing.

If you would like to contribute snacks, we always welcome additions to our typical menu of spaghetti and salad. Perhaps you want to bring bread, veggies, and dip, or more dessert? All is welcome at this table we create together each month.

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