Thinking about joining us on our visit to Désfalva? This trip offers two options:
Full Trip (Budapest + Désfalva): Join us from the start with a group flight departing from Boston on July 3 or 4 (the final date depends on the most affordable option). We’ll spend several days exploring Budapest with 1-2 day-trips beyond the city. The cost covers flights, hotels and select excursions. Travelers should budget separately for meals and additional entry or tour fees, which typically range from $5–$15 per person. On/around July 9, we’ll travel to Désfalva by train (folks may arrange flights on their own for this should they choose). The estimated total cost, including flights, Budapest, and Désfalva, is ~$2,500. We will have the final number once we registrations are counted.
A $500 deposit is required to secure your spot on the group flight.
Désfalva-Only: Meet us in Désfalva for the partner church visit. Travelers choosing this option must arrange their flights and transportation to and from the village. Raeann and Livia are happy to offer guidance and suggestions. Registration is required, but no deposit is collected.
In Désfalva, we’ll stay in community members' homes and participate in gatherings, service projects to assist older members with property maintenance, and a celebration of the restored church organ.
If you’re considering either option, please register to let us know your plans by February 28! For flight details, travel tips, or assistance, contact Raeann at
Group Flight Details: To receive the group rate, you must fly at least one leg of the trip to Europe with the group. Unfortunately, you cannot receive the group flight rates home unless you traveled with the group on at least one departing leg.
Youth Participation: This is an all-ages, multigenerational trip, and families are strongly encouraged to attend together. However, should a member of the First Church Youth Group wish to attend without an adult, Raeann, the Youth Director, is happy to set up arrangements to accommodate youth participation in this important trip. You can contact her at