We have RE Classes happening this Sunday, November 3rd (whoo-hoo!). Children will be invited to start in worship and depart together after the story downstairs to class. The full slate of Age-Based RE classes is offered during the 11:00am service. All Ages Children's Chapel Lesson is offered during the 9:00am service.
We will also have RE Classes next week, November 11th! The full RE calendar can be found here: RE Calendar for the Year
Children's Chapel: This week for All Ages Lesson during the 9:00am service, kids will start our Lego ValUUes curriculum which they will be completing this year. This program will connect them to our UU values of: love, justice, equity, transformation, pluralism, interdependence, and generosity. This week's lesson is about our commitment to the principle that everyone is important.
Info About 11:00am Classes:
Nursery care and free play will always be available for children 0 - 3 years old during both services.
UU Koalas (Preschool-Kindergarten Class): Preschoolers and kindergarteners are doing a Spirit Play-Style Curriculum about UU values called Chalice Children. Each week features a storybook, reflection time, and open play. This week's story is about our similarities and our differences.
The Cosmos (Elementary School Class, Grades 1 - 3): This class will be doing a UU values curriculum centered around the stories from Superheroes this year! This week's lesson is about the Teen Titans and the lessons of interdependence we can learn from them.
Name Incoming (Upper Elementary School Class, Grades 4 - 6): This year, this class will be doing our Building Bridges program in which they learn about the religious and spiritual traditions of our neighbors and have a chance to reflect on their own values. This week's lesson will be an introductory lesson about what is religion and why do humans connect with it!
Junior High Youth Group (Grades 7 - 8): This group will be completing the last few lessons of the Building Bridges program. This week's lesson is about Islam.
If you haven't already, take a moment to register your child here:
These classes are entirely volunteer run! So when you have a moment, thank the amazing teachers from the community who are making this happen.
If you have any questions, let me know. See you on Sunday!
In faith,