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Multigenerational Worship This Sunday!

This Sunday, March 2nd is the end of our stewardship drive so we will have Celebration Sunday with special performances by the Children's Choirs! We will have ONE SERVICE only at 10:00am in the Parish Hall. The service is especially designed with children in mind and will be Multigenerational Worship. No additional RE classes are offered but the nursery will be open for children ages 0-6. 

And we look forward to seeing many of you for the next upcoming Welcome Table Family Dinner on Monday, March 3rd, 5:30-7:00pm! We hope to see you there. All families are invited to drop in whenever and have spaghetti dinner together provided by the community. 

Here is the schedule of upcoming RE Sundays: 

March 2nd -- Multigenerational Worship for Children's Music Celebration

March 9th -- Age-based Class Day! 

March 16th -- Children's Chapel Program 

March 23rd -- Age-based Class Day! 

March 30th -- Multigenerational Worship for Major Music Sunday

April 6th -- Age-based Class Day! 

April 13th -- Age-based Class Day! 

April 20th -- Easter, Multigenerational Worship

April 27th -- Children's Choir Sunday, Multigenerational Worship

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