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Multigenerational Worship for Major Music

This Sunday we will have Multigenerational Worship for Major Music Sunday, One Service at 10:30AM. This means we will worship as a whole community and children will be invited to stay in the sanctuary and hear the music. There will not be additional RE programming. The nursery will be open for children ages 0 - 6 and anyone with wiggles is welcome to play there. A teen helper will be available to supervise in the kids coloring and play area in the parlor. 

We are inviting children to participate in these Major Music Sundays as opportunities for them to connect to and experience arts that are important to our community in an environment that welcomes wiggles and movement. The theme of this musical piece is around grief and children will also be welcomed to bring and lay down the griefs of their lives as well.

Here is the schedule of upcoming RE Sundays: 

March 30th -- Multigenerational Worship for Major Music Sunday, 10:30am

April 6th -- Class Day! 

April 13th -- Class Day! 

April 20th -- Multigenerational Worship, Easter! (Egg Hunt after church!) 

April 27th -- Multigenerational Worship, Children's Choir Performances

May 4th -- (Beginning of one service worship at 10am) Children's Chapel RE Program

Three Special Multigenerational Events Coming Up: 

We invite you to mark your calendars for a special event on Tuesday, April 1st from 4:30 - 5:30pm in the Parish Hall in collaboration with our neighbors at the Henry Frost School. Together we will welcome children's book author Rachel Katz who will share about and sign copies of her children's book "Rise Up! Powerful Protests in American History." And we will have a family art build for protest signs! Find more information here

On Saturday, April 5th from 6:30 - 8:00pm we will have an Evening of Contra, Square, and Circle Dances for families! This should be a fun and exciting evening of music and dancing for all of us together. Find more information here!

And the next Welcome Table Family Dinner will be happening on Monday, April 7th 5:30 - 7:30pm in the Upper Gathering Hall. Looking forward to seeing you then! All are invited to come enjoy spaghetti together. More information here.

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