A generous member of First Church in Belmont is offering a matching donation of up to $5,000 to help the Bakhshi family in the coming year. They continue to need our financial support and appreciate the generous support of many. While Amin has been employed at the Arlington Trader Joe’s this year, Zakirah lost her job when the business for which she worked closed. She is currently seeking appropriate employment that capitalizes on her skill set. Now, she is offering her sewing skills at Beech Street Center and would like to prepare meals for individuals and families. If you are interested in what she offers, please get in touch with Fran Yuan at fthyuan@gmail.com. Please help us use this generous offer by donating any amount to the Bakhshi family this holiday season. You can do this by donating online to this GoFundMe or contacting Fran if you would like to donate by check instead. Spread goodwill and cheer by joining this fundraising effort!