We are excited to start a new monthly dinner on Monday, February 3 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Called “The Welcome Table: A Monthly Drop-In Family Dinner”, this gathering is about enjoying good food, connecting with other folks, and taking a break from the day. The dinners will be vegetarian and intentionally kid-friendly.
You’ll find the dinner in the Upper Gathering Hall and we’ve purposefully scheduled it to coincide with the choir practices. So, if you’re a parent of a kid attending one of those practices, please know that you and your kids are welcome at this event.
The monthly dinners will happen on the first Monday of each month through May. And as it is a community event, we encourage folks to participate! This is not a true potluck style, but an invitation for a few folks each month to bring part of a dinner. Please sign if you can bring an item for dinner using the button below.
We look forward to sharing this welcome table.