Adult Programs
We offer a wide variety of adult programs that provide opportunities for learning and getting to know other church members, including ongoing
community-led programs, small groups by enrollment, all church events and more. For many, the adult programs are a substantial part of their First Church experience.
Adult Programs Calendar
Ongoing Adult Programs
Our Adult Programs offer a wide variety of open that meet regularly. While some groups require registration, many are open to drop-ins, so you can join or drop in whenever you’re ready. Led by passionate community members, these groups provide meaningful opportunities for connection, learning, and personal growth. For specific details, contact the group’s leader. All programs are overseen by our Adult Program Coordinator, Lillian Anderson, who offers support and guidance. Interested in starting your own group? Reach out to Lillian for assistance at landerson@uubelmont.org
Earth-based Spirituality
Join Anna Churchill on for a discussion and exploration of earth-based spirituality. Recurring dates TBD. Reach out to Anna at aquarianna6@hotmail.com with questions.
FCB Sangha
Join us on Mondays at 7:30 pm, on Zoom throughout the year. In meditation practice, we find that by developing our awareness and compassion, we can open ourselves, relax into situations, and enjoy life more completely. Email meditation@uubelmont.org to learn more.
First Church Film Group
Watch the film on your own and come together for a facilitated discussion. We meet every 3rd Saturday at 7:30 pm on Zoom. For more information contact Eva Patalas at e.patalas@me.com.
SoUUper Lunch
Join us for SoUUper Lunch in the Upper Gathering Hall to connect and deepen over hot soup and dessert while fostering friendly conversations and community bonds; all are welcome, including newcomers. Contact Kathy Lind at kathyalind@aol.com or Miriam Baker at miriambaker426@gmail.com for details.
FCB Garden Group
Join us on the first Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm October - June. We welcome enthusiasts of all skill levels to discuss seasonal topics and share experiences. Contact Jess Hausman at hausman.jessica@gmail.com for location details and more information.
Family Members of Adult Children who are Struggling
This group is for parents of adult children facing emotional or mental health challenges. We gather to share stories, resources, and support one another with compassion. Members can help shape the group, choose topics, and even take turns leading. Confidentiality will be reviewed at each session. For more information, contact Nina Grimaldi at ninainbelmont@gmail.com.
First Church Play-reading Group
Explore the world of playwrights, engage in lively readings of short, thought-provoking plays, and share your impressions every third Sunday of the month at 4:00 pm. No preparation in advance. Just come and participate.
UU Belmont Alliance
Join the longest-standing group at First Church, which has been meeting continuously for over a century. We gather on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11:00 am via Zoom for engaging discussions on a wonderful array of topics. For more information, contact Miriam Baker at miriambaker426@gmail.com.
FCB History Group
Join us on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm for ongoing discussions about First Church history with Historian John Howe. For more information, contact Lillian Anderson at landerson@uubelmont.org.
First Church Book Group
All are welcome to join us online on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm. Together we will discuss a new book each month. Contact Christine O’Neill at fcbbookgroup@gmail.com for more information.
Living With Health Challenges
Join us on the 3rd Monday of the month from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. This group offers a supportive space to share and discuss personal experiences with health challenges. Commitment to monthly meetings is encouraged. Register by October 27th. Contact Rick Hawkins at rhawk747@gmail.com.
Small Groups
Our Small Groups offer a more intimate, focused space for personal and spiritual growth, fostering deeper connections and community. These groups are by enrollment only, with registration opening in September at the start of the church year, and members commit to meeting regularly throughout the year. All groups are overseen by our Adult Program Coordinator, Lillian Anderson. For more information or to inquire about joining, please reach out to Lillian at landerson@uubelmont.org
Men's Support Groups
Each of the groups provides ongoing support to its members.
Women's Support Groups
Provides a place to share and support its members. This group is currently at maximum capacity. New groups are formed if there is interest or need.
Small Group Ministry Groups
Groups are comprised of 6-8 people who meet regularly to discuss issues that are spiritual and relevant, practicing deep listening and sharing.